Get Involved / Volunteer
Volunteer Opportunities / Oportunidades Para Voluntarios
Stay tuned here and to our Weekly E-Blast for upcoming opportunities to get involved with Dewey school activities.
Manténganse al tanto aquí en nuestro e-Blast semanal para las próximas oportunidades de contribuir y tomar parte en las actividades de Dewey.
The Dewey PTA is a completely volunteer based organization. All work done is by parents, caregivers, teachers, staff and administrators working together to make Dewey a better place for all students and families.
Kids benefit so much from the involvement of family in the school community. We encourage all of you to find a way to make your contribution to the school and the betterment of the educational experience of all.
Check out the latest volunteer requests HERE
Bookery Volunteers Needed!
Posted by Dewey PTA on 11/12/2022
Set-up or put away the Bookery book boxes...It takes about 10-15 minutes and is greatly meaningful to our students and teachers. It can be done anytime within a day of the Bookery event
Organize new books and the collection...Spend time going through the collection, organizing book donations, sorting the collection and making it ready for the monthly bookery visits and family bookery events. This can be done anytime each month in coordination with the Bookery Coordinator
Reach out to with questions. Click to sign up and THANK YOU!
Volunteer as a D65 Fluency Tutor! | Sea Tutor de Fluidez Voluntario
Posted by Dewey PTA on 11/12/2022
Want to help students during the school day? Volunteer as a fluency tutor with D65! The D65 Fluency Tutor Program is recruiting community members to work with elementary students in first through fifth grade on their reading or math skills. Tutors have fun playing simple games with students, like Bingo and Go Fish, or reading short passages and books together. Students gain more confidence in their skills, and teachers appreciate the additional support. The minimum commitment to the program is 30 minutes a week, during the school day. Tutors meet with the same students throughout the school year, October through May. This opportunity is open to all parents/caregivers and community members, and training is available. For more information, please contact
¿Desea ayudar a estudiantes durante el dia escolar? Sea voluntario de fluidez con el distrito 65! El programa de tutoría de fluidez del distrito 65 esta reclutando miembros en la comunidad para que trabajen con estudiantes de primaria de primer a quinto grado para ayudarles con lectura y matemáticas. Los tutores se divierten jugando juegos con los estudiantes, juegos como bingo and go, Go Fish, o leyendo pasajes cortos o libros juntos. Los estudiantes ganan confianza en sus destrezas y los maestros aprecian el apoyo adicional. El compromiso mínimo del programa es 30 minutos por semana durante el dia escolar. Los tutores ven a los mismos estudiantes a través del año escolar, de octubre a mayo. Esta oportunidad está disponible a todos los padres/cuidadores y miembros de la comunidad, hay entrenamiento disponible. Para más información contacte a
Panfleto Fluency Tutor (enlace en Inglés)
Extra, extra! Join The Tiger Times!
Posted by Dewey PTA on 11/12/2022
Who: Calling all 4th and 5th graders! The Tiger Times newspaper by and for students at Dewey Elementary School is returning after a break during COVID-19. We need writers, photographers, editors, comic strip artists and more.
What: Dewey Elementary School’s own student news website and newspaper.
When: Each Friday at 8:00 a.m., from Dec. 9, 2022 through May 26, 2023. You may have homework.
Why: Showcase what’s happening in the Dewey community. Learn about the media. Express yourself!
Where: Meet at Dewey Elementary School. A Tiger Times website is coming soon.
How: Register through Right at School.
By Month
- November 2022
Have something to share? Email Please note: All content on PTA pages is managed by PTA Volunteers.
Tiene algo para compartir? Email Tenga en cuenta: Todo el contenido de las páginas del PTA es manejado por voluntarios del PTA.